Household Hacker Contest Entry (Yahtzee19)

Who Yahtzee is (but of course you’ve heard of him because he is the master of the universe):

This video is a submission for the Household Hacker green screen video competition ending June 20th

To my regular viewers: I curse for effect in this video, please do not be offended, (To everyone else: Im not usually this vulgar.)

Entering the Household Hacker contest for a green piece of paper is like paying 15 dollars a month for a chair in your own home to screech at your computer monitor until your brains fall out. Youre thirty years old, have no job, no wife, no kids, and an IV bag of liquid cheez puffs and carbonated water next to your thousand pound body now being sucked to the next reality by a massive black hole.
In both cases you know it isnt worth it and that youd rather be spending your life out on the real globe with authentic sunlight, food with less than twelve thousand percent fat and women that you mightve been around for more than negative 6 seconds if youd clicked on that ancient tab and checked your eHarmony account that says youve got a 6 pack and are the quarterback for the Miami Dolphins, and yet everyday millions of people sit at home throwing 15 dollars a month at the big corporate monoliths and spend hours sitting in front of your glowing rectangle munching on cheez puffs and drowning yourself in soda like their the f***ing body and blood of Jesus Christ, trying to become the victor of a green piece of paper because you are shit.
But Ooooh Yahtzee its not just a green piece of paper you cry its a really big piece of green paper that we can stand in front of and make look like were not still in our moms basement but that were actually out in the fresh air, or at a local tavern drinking with friends (and not just the reflection of the dancing Night Elf on your face when you talk to your other MMORPGer friends).
That said Im off to play guitar of the plastic five-button variety now. Oh and if no one else really wants it Id be happy to take that green piece of paper off your hands.

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