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TESLA TRIGGERS The “Great EV Deflation:” Automotive Industry Could Change Forever

TESLA TRIGGERS The “Great EV Deflation:” Automotive Industry Could Change Forever

The electric vehicle industry is buzzing with excitement today as Tesla launches what Morgan Stanley is calling ‘The Great EV Deflation.’ Tesla shares soared more than $50 billion during the trading session on Friday, bringing the company’s market value to an unprecedented $559 billion. This has cemented Tesla’s position as the world’s most valuable automaker, and investors are eagerly anticipating what comes next.

Tesla is known for pushing the boundaries of innovation and shaking up the status quo in the automotive industry. The company’s latest move, a significant cut in prices for its electric vehicles (EVs), is no exception. According to Morgan Stanley, these price cuts have led to what the firm’s analysts are calling the “Great EV Deflation.”

This is a game-changer for the industry. Never before has a car company cut prices by 13-20% on the vast majority of its product range at one time. Morgan Stanley surveyed several dealers and automotive experts to see if they had ever seen this before, and not one of them could remember a single precedent. This is a clear indication that Tesla’s move is unprecedented and could signal a shift in the industry towards more affordable electric vehicles.

This is great news for consumers as it means that EVs are becoming more accessible and affordable. It’s no secret that one of the biggest barriers to EV adoption has been the higher cost compared to gas cars. With Tesla’s price cuts, that barrier is being lowered, and more people can now consider an EV as their next car purchase.

But the impact of the “Great EV Deflation” extends beyond just consumers. It could also lead to a decrease in battery costs, which would further reduce the cost of EVs. This could lead to more widespread adoption of EVs, which would benefit not just Tesla, but the entire industry. It could also mean the beginning of the end for gas cars as EVs become more affordable and accessible to a wider range of consumers.


This is Armen Hareyan from Torque News. Please follow us at on Twitter and for daily automotive news.

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