$6 Million in Bug Bounties in the #NEAR Ecosystem

Right now there is over $6 million in bug bounties on ImmuneFi and Hackenproof for the NEAR Ecosystem (NEAR, Aurora, Sweat Economy, Ref, and Stader) live right now for Ethical Hackers to find.

Find on https://github.com/NEARBuilders/audits
Bounties listed on this video
– NEAR https://hackenproof.com/near
– Aurora https://hackenproof.com/aurora
– Ref https://immunefi.com/bounty/reffinance/
– Stader https://immunefi.com/bounty/staderfornear/
– Sweat Economy https://immunefi.com/bounty/sweateconomy/
Banyan Collective is making NEAR Protocol a household name in the United States. https://banyan.gg/ & on Twitter https://twitter.com/BanyanUS

NEAR HACKS is the recurring traveling hackathon / hacker houses for the NEAR Ecosystem. https://nearhacks.com and follow on twitter https://twitter.com/nearhacks

Learn about the NEAR Developer Governance here https://www.neardevgov.org/ and keep updated on twitter https://twitter.com/neardevgov and join the builder groups at https://www.nearbuilders.com

Follow our SF & NY City Nodes https://nearsf.com/ & https://nearnyc.org

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