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Grammarly Meetup: The Story of Declarative React at Grammarly

Grammarly Meetup: The Story of Declarative React at Grammarly

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► Topic: The Story of Declarative React at Grammarly
► Speaker: Oleksandr Suhak, Software Engineer at Grammarly

► Who will be interested: Front-end developers who want to learn new and interesting ways of composing React components and managing side effects.

► Date: Tuesday, April 27
► Language: Russian

►Summary of the talk:
In this talk, we will detail the history of how the team behind the Grammarly Editor approached React components composition and state management, the problems we faced over the years, and how these challenges shaped Embrace—the new UI library from the Grammarly Editor team that enables a pure, side effect-free, and declarative way of defining React-based UI.

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