FEGradio Live! – Special Edition: FEG Joins the Metaverse

FEGradio Live! – Special Edition: FEG Joins the Metaverse

In this special edition of FEGradio Live, host Panikd Badger is joined by Cadet “Dropkick” Alex to dive deep into some of the key pieces revealed during the recent #FEGwinterAMA on Twitter Spaces. We’re going to go into some of the details about outstanding marketing strategies, and the upcoming short film “Rise.” We will then will go in-depth into the most bullish announcement yet–that FEG Token will be using its SmartDeFi and SmartNFT technology to build the base layer for what could be the largest decentralized metaverse on the planet!


Live technical analysis events are hosted on Discord every Monday at 10am EST and Thursday at 3pm EST. To reach out to Mr. Blunt, check him out on Twitter (https://twitter.com/BluntFourtwenty), or join in his live TA sessions by going to: https://discord.gg/fegtoken

To reach out to the FEGradio, go to:
Web – https://fegradio.com/
Twitter – https://twitter.com/FEGradio
Telegram – https://t.me/fegradiolive

To reach out to the Blue Couch, go to:
Web – https://www.thebluecouch.net/
Twitter – https://twitter.com/TheBlueCouch1
Telegram – https://t.me/thebluecouch

FEG – https://fegtoken.com/
Frontline Heroes – https://www.frontlineheroestoken.com/

If you are a project developer or team lead, and would like to learn more about advertising opportunities with the FEGradio program, please reach out to us today by contacting https://twitter.com/FEGradio.

#DeFi #FEG #FEGradio #crypto #ama #smartdefi #fegexchange #fegex #games #gaming #NFT #FEGtoken #metaverse #playtoearn

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