Episode 3: Travel By Design | SingapoReimagine Global Conversations

Tune into SingapoReimagine Global Conversations, where industry game changers share their stories and ideas to collectively shape the future of tourism.

In this episode, go on a behind-the-scenes journey of Jewel Changi Airport and learn how design can inspire innovation and opportunities for locals and tourists alike through an insightful conversation with Charu Kokate, Principal & Director of Safdie Architects and the team who designed it.

You can also catch upcoming episodes of SingapoReimagine Global Conversations: Reimagine Experiences at https://bit.ly/globalconvosYT. We welcome you to share your thoughts/feedback at https://bit.ly/srigcforum1.

#SingapoReimagine #GlobalConversations #ReimagineExperiences

(Disclaimer: Some video footages were filmed prior to COVID-19.)

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