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Mini Electric Car which Defeated Tesla in China | Tech Baba

American-Chinese joint venture SAIC-GM is taking the Chinese market by storm with their Mini EV, with sales rivaling even the likes of Tesla. But what does it mean for the companies, for China, and the rest of the world? There seems to be a distinct barrier around China when it comes to trading – things don’t quite work as they do between the US and, let’s say, the UK. Restrictions are placed on what can be imported as well as exported via its borders. But Chinese motor company SAIC, the name behind the revival of British brand MG, has teamed up with multinational giant General Motors to come up with a mass-market electric car. Which is named as Wulin Hongguang Mini EV, specifications of which are mentioned in the above video.

Mini Electric Car which Defeated Tesla in China | Tech Baba

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