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Lucid Dreaming Theta Wave Music | 8 Hz Binaural Beats Lucid Dreaming Deep Sleeping Music

Soothing relaxing music tuned to 528 Hz embedded with theta binaural beat brainwaves and calming nature sounds. This is the first release we have had with nature sounds feel free to share your opinion in the commentsπŸ’œπŸŒ›

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A fully lucid dream is a dream where you are aware and in total control of your dream, rich and visually detailed. Because all of this takes place in your mind, the dream world is only limited by your own fantasy, no boundaries. You can literally take control of your dream and warp The Matrix like Neo. Fly and soar over cities like Iron Man, Travel through time like Dr. Strange, Fight like a ninja, Re-live childhood memories, Base jump, ANYTHING you can imagine!

Theta binaural beats between 4 – 8 Hz are linked to REM sleep, REM stands for rapid eye movement and is the stage of sleep where your dreams typically happen and also the reason why we infuse our music with theta binaural beats.

528Hz: The Love Frequency
528Hz is known as the love frequency. It is highly connected to nature and has great potential to heal. Renowned solfeggio frequency expert Dr. Leonard Horowitz states The Book of 528 that:
β€œGrass is green with LOVE/528. That is why chlorophyll is the most powerful healing pigment in biology; why people and animals eat grass to regain health, and why the air you breathe–the β€˜prana’ of life, or the β€˜chi’ in oriental medicine, is filled with the holy aloha spirit of LOVE, vibrating in 528, sending spiritual signals for sustenance through your blood, restoring and invigorating every strand of DNA and cell in your body.”


βœ” Binaural Beats:

βœ” Lucid Dreaming:

βœ” Astral Projection:



The Astral Circle loves to provide you high-quality content for deep sleep and meditation. Our content is directed to all the people that are interested in Solfeggio frequencies, Binaural beats, lucid dreaming, and astral projection.

The content on our channel has binaural beats or solfeggio frequencies embedded to enhance the experience of a meditative and relaxed state of mind which can often be a gateway to entering altered states of consciousness and experience profound experiences such as lucid dreaming, astral projection or deep meditation.

We believe that meditative music, in general, has the potential to assist the listeners in reaching these altered states of consciousness. In our channel, we put together the frequencies that we believe are the most harmonizing, healing, and rejuvenating.

The real ability to astral project or lucid dream comes from you, not the music. It is just a facilitator for yourself to go into the right state of mind.

You can read more info on our website: ✦

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