What’s in this episode?

In this episode, we would like to inspire creative audience to think and dive deeper into their Belief System “Landasan Keyakinan”. There are 6 chapters to understand the basic understanding of Belief System, may these chapters enlighten you and encourage you to think further on how you can empower yourself to achieve your goals.

Chapter 01: The understanding of Belief System
Chapter 02: Storytelling
Chapter 03: Flip the Words
Chapter 04: Re:Action
Chapter 05: ReThink & ReQuestion
Chapter 06: Enemy Inside You

#dosecreativechannel #branding #graphicdesign #dkv #rubicubecreative #desaingraphis
#marioutama #designcommunity #creativechannel #designthinking #thebusinessofdesign
#marketing #pandemic #designbusiness #startup #freelancer #designer #businessmindset
#mindset #beliefsystem

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motion graphic: Arina Apollo
music: youtube audio library

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