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StarTalk Podcast: The Evolution of Personal Technology, with Marques Brownlee & Neil deGrasse Tyson

How has personal technology changed our world? Neil deGrasse Tyson sits down with tech vlogger and YouTube star @Marques Brownlee (MKBHD), comic co-host Chuck Nice, and tech journalist Clive Thompson to explore Internet identity, hacking, Moore’s law, self-driving cars, and technological evolution.

Note: Portions of this show were recorded in 2015, so a few things may have changed since then!

You’ll learn how Marques got started vlogging in his early childhood, how he found out people cared about his videos, and what tech he’s excited to see in the future. Clive explains the differences between growing up in the tech world of the 80s and 90s compared to now, how the introduction of the iPhone set off the personal tech revolution, and if technology will ever level off as predicted by Moore’s law. Join us as we examine the impact that personal technology has on our daily lives, the privacy issues between big companies and their customers, and why Clive is not a fan of omnipresent facial recognition software. Neil and Marques also talk about internet identity: are your offline and online lives the same? Should they be different? We also debate whether employers should be allowed to check and monitor employees’ social media channels. All that, plus, Neil and company discuss the benefits and dangers of self-driving cars.

This episode originally aired as a podcast on February 9, 2018.

#MKBHD #Technology #NeildeGrasseTyson

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