The Top 5 Nominees for 5th Edition of Artist Aloud Music Awards have been revealed.
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Hetal Varia from Studio Sound Garage fame, is a Singer, Performer, Writer from Mumbai.

A little about Studios Sound Garage:
Founder/Promoter Mr. Sanjay Pathak realized that no matter what task you are performing, silence never seems to promote productivity. Cleaning the house, typing or even cooking all seems to go a little faster when you have some music in the background to help you along. Music is everywhere we turn, whether heard on the radio or in a movie or piped into a restaurant or other public space. Listening to music can be a learning experience for a child, a soothing sound for a baby or even a blast to the past for an older generation. He feels that exploring different types of music can not only broaden our experiences but also expose us to types of music we may have never thought we would create before. @ SSG, they think music is a universal language which inspires, sets the mood, makes you feel understood, and keeps u connected with rhythms and most importantly a unique way to express ourselves. SSG wishes to continue its journey towards its unseen destination with a fearless attitude. Embarking upon this unique journey is sheer out of the quest for long lost joy of listening to honest music and letting other to be a part of it. They believe that music cannot be dominion of a person or a group instead; the music dominates the every form of creativity at large. Sound Garage has taken an initiative to motivate fresh talents and given them an opportunity to express their emotions through music which is experienced by all ages and all ethnicity.

Here’s Hetal doing an unplugged version of ‘Heeri’ from SSG Season 2. “Heer’ is a stirring sufi traditional number which is also a rendition of a recital penned by the great Punjabi sufi poet Waris Shah which brings forth his profound connection with the almighty.

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